Tuesday, April 26, 2016

JGH Rey Feo LXVII 2015 Fiesta Medal

Jon Gary Herrera was the Rey Feo for the 2014/ 2015 Fiesta Season. The focus for his fundraising was education scholarships

HEB 2016 Shopping Cart Fiesta Medal

This was one of the hottest medals in the 2016 season. It features a shopping cart done in red glitter with several Fiesta favorites such as a slice of watermelon, maracas, fruit, and the always present fiesta pinata donkey.

Viva Fiesta Whataburger 2016 Pewter

This one was online sales only thru the Whataburger website.

They sold out quickly.

Then people started trading theirs and selling them on eBay.

There are two (2) designs for the 2016 season.

Arby's No Kid Hungry 2016

McDonalds Fiesta San Antonio 2016 Medal

Palmetto Arts Fiesta NVC 2016 Taco Medal First Edition