Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sights of San Antonio

This blog was inspired by my Mom.  I won't give her name unless she wants me to.

When she was here for her Kick the Bucket Bash this year in Oct 2011, she commented that my sister said I should be a travel agent, and Mom felt she was well taken care of.  (she offered to sneak the bed I made up for her in her suitcase to bring home, lol).

While Mom was here, it dawned on me, that in the 3 years I have been living here, I have come to take for granted the beautiful sights, sounds, and suprises that San Antonio has to offer.

I have decided, that at least once a month (more when time and scheduale permits), that I am going to revisit my new roots.  I am going to go the the usual tourist spots, I am going to find unusual but note worthy spots.  I will be posting pics, I will be telling stories, I will bring you into my world.

If you find you are in San Antonio, let me know.  I would love to meet up with you and show you around the City that I have discovered and decided to call Home.

Please feel free to follow me, follow this blog, and pass word around to all your friends.

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