Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Boots

One of my fave sights in San Antonio is at the North Star Mall off the 410 and San Pedro Ave.
It is accessable by Car, and by Bus.  I will edit later to put in the actual bus lines that end up at the North Star Transit for those that follow.

It is the Giant Cowboy Boots.

Installed in 1980 by Bob "Daddy -O" Wade,   The Giant Justins (as they are "officially" titled) was originally created in 1979 in Washington D.C..  They were moved to Texas in 1980.
They are 40 feet tall and 35 feet wide.

Per the info I discovered, again, remains open to edit, Bob Wade is an Austin artist. is his site.  I hope you all pop in to see some of his artwork.

I confess, the pics I use here are taken off of Google images as I have not been able to get over there and get the shots myself. 

I have only started researching the boots, so to the best of my knowledge this is the only pair like this in Texas, but per Google images, there was a 2nd pair with a different design shown.  If I find any more on this, I will gladly update my post.

I hope you all enjoyed todays installment.  I don't know when the next post will be, so please add me to your following list, pop in often, and if you have any thing in San Antonio that you would like to see here, on the blog, please let me know.

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