Sunday, May 5, 2013

2013 Fire Chiefs Medal

the man was arrogant, rude, late, did not bother dressing up, his wife/gf/ was dressed lovely, had a kind smile for everyone, etc.
elle and I approached him,  I told her she was from South Africa, and had never heard of Fiesta, then I asked if I could have  a medal as well.  
He very much gave me the impression that because we were not one of the "pretty" people he would rather not be seen with us.
He also was turning down his own staff for trades.  These guys are the guys that are out there every single day responding to calls, running into burning structures when needed to save Human lives, and their dwelling.
Then mr. arrogance (does not even deserve to be capitilzied.  He pissed me off that much. would not even give his staff a 2nd look.
I was very sure to tell his wife/ girlfriend (only as I am not officially sure of their status and don't want to offend her) Thank you for sharing him with us tonight (the night of the flambeau parade.)
I am going to be going backover this one to make sure I get it cleaned up before I post it.  I am not always going to post favorable reviews hwere, but I am not going to have them be butt ugly and mean if humanly possible, unless they really Really REALLY Need the eyeopener.  

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