Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2013 Rey Feo Larry Benson Sr. Medal

This is the 2013 Rey Feo Larry Benson Sr. Medal.
Below is the official website for Mr. Benson Sr.
He has been a lawyer, a sports team owner, a car dealership owner, and is very passionate about education. 
In 2013 he raised, through is Rey Feo efforts over $1.5 million dollars.  His donation went to St. Anthony Catholic School. 
If you look closely at the Crest you can see his crown sitting on top of the car.
He also has books signifying his dedication to education. 
I don't know for sure, but I am sure the cross is to represent his faith
As I discover more of the story behind this very collectable and attractive medal I will be sure to update this post.
I wish you the Best of Larry Benson Sr. 
I appreciate all you have done and will continue to do for Fiesta.

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